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I published my app on multiple platforms to sell small projects/businesses, like:

It’s easier to submit a small project on this last one.

After receiving offers from lots of people and after some negotiations via email, I decided to settle with an offer from a guy who seemed super excited about the project and asked many questions about how it was built and the marketing channels I used.

The next step was deciding how to make the transaction. doesn’t enforce a way to do this, so our best bet was to go with the industry standard @Escrow_com

An escrow is a service that locks the money from the buyer until you have sent the assets to them. is not fully targeted to mobile app ownership transfers. It’s mostly for domains or web app transactions, but we made it work for our use case.

It’s super important to use an escrow service for this kind of transaction because if you don’t, you have to trust the good faith of the seller/buyer

After I submitted the app to escrow and added the buyer’s email, I got a notification from which said that the buyer had already paid for the app.

The next step was sending:

  • The app code to his @github account
  • My app social media account to him

This process took 3 or 4 business days.

After all these steps were done, the buyer marked the transaction as finished on and the escrow service released my funds.

I received my payment after 2/3 business days.

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